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Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States

I am probably playing my guitar, or listening to talk radio, or watching Foxnews. But don't let that scare you, the only thing we have to fear is apathy and heavy sarcasm spoiling our youth into submission so America might fall to radical terrorist or Nuclear blackmail. The following quote by Zell Miller, a Democrat, who spoke at the RNC in 2004, probably describes me the best. He said, "Never in the history of the world has any soldier sacrificed more for the freedom and liberty of total strangers than the American Soldier. And Our soldiers don't just give freedom abroad they preserve it for us here at home. For it has been said so truthfully, that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest. It is the soldier who salutes The Flag, serves beneath The Flag, whose coffin is draped by The Flag who gives that protestor the freedom he abuses to burn That Flag!" If you want to hear some of my GuitarWorks go to Or you can find me at

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Works of Liberty

Dear Daughter,

You and yours are The Son's of Liberty. My Daughter's of Liberty. As one chief of a tribe in Africa who was captured by the US Navy as spoils of war, who John Quincy Adams defended, as depicted in the movie Amistad, explained to Mr. Adams. I am the result of all my fathers and their fathers before them for thousands of years, for generations I am the culmination of my ancestors, and carry the voices of those before me. Now perhaps, not verbatim but I have thought about this since I first heard that line, and it occurred to me this one mans voice was being heard by a son of one of the Founding Fathers of our nation, America. And he must have thought of his father who stood up for freedom and justice against The King of England when our nation was born. When our first fight for freedom for the sons and daughters of Liberty began. I highly recommend the movie, Amistad, for it is a snapshot of a country not even a hundred years old and had not resolved the slavery issue. Although, the Civil War was coming and many other wars our country at its core had all the tools to keep freedom alive for over two hundred years. It was placed in The Constitution and imbued throughout our system of government, it has had blood soak the earth from the beginning as its price, and has been passed down to posterity and given to me by birth. Truly, Freedom was upon the mind of John Quincy Adams when he saw the case go before The Supreme Court on George Washington's birthday February 22nd 1841. And then argued for seven hours across two days of what he believed to be the cornerstone of American rights and law, and "The Blessing of Freedom." It is this cause which burns in my heart this day February 22nd 2009 for the Blessing of Freedom passed down to me from our Founding Fathers to my fore fathers and to all the Son's of Liberty. I have put this off far to long. I do not know where it will take me. Or how long I shall argue freedoms merits. And yet I stand here now and proclaim America as the greatest nation on earth and the best hope for freedom for all mankind. Whether we look back across time for thousands of years or just in the last two hundred, I defy anyone to show me a country better than America. Freedom has spread around the world as a result of those that love, fight and die for America, and in many cases we fought along side millions for freedom from tyranny and for nations the right to choose their course and democracy. And I will not stand by and let this cry out from the graves of those who came before me, who founded this country and died in its cause, and who see from heaven above America's course for jagged rocks to be shipwrecked upon. I will light the lighthouse of freedom for those who stand watch that seek safe harbor for the salvation of America. I will be the Paul Revere who announced the British are coming of my time through this work. I am sure what colonists heard was not just that British were near but that freedoms flame was about to go out if they did nothing. That is my cry in these works. That the flame of freedom in America and as a result around the world is about to be blown completely out. Dare I say it may already be too late? If we as The Son's of Liberty do nothing at all then we deserve to lose our inheritance to liberty and our Republic. Therefore, I have a responsibility to those whose voices are the result of all the fathers before them, and as the culmination of my ancestors, a chance for them to be heard. A chance for their truth to be heard and understood about freedom from our founding and birth that still lives today. I plead my case before Heaven and earth so that my children and their heirs know freedom. Lest it be lost or stolen by evil men or worst by those who knew freedoms sweet blessings and did nothing.

In Love, and in Liberty,
